Elayna Update – 1 Available!

Elayna Trad Half Arab

Summer is almost here – Elayna almost done! Summer is just around the corner and I’m working on my Elayna backlog to finish up the rest of the edition in the next few weeks. Each casting is a labor of love as they are individually cleaned up, assembled and tooled out to become custom resins. […]

The Wuhan Coronavirus

Ancient Lakes

As the Wuhan China virus spreads around the globe in a pandemic, we are facing a near lock down in Washington State. The virus first came into the United States in a hospital in Everett, WA where my Brother-in-Law was after suffering a heart attack and stroke. We visited him several times in the hospital […]

Elayna is Shipping!

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Elaynas are off to explore the world! Elayna has been an incredible journey this past year. Now that we are finally starting to ship them off to their new owners, I needed to send out a post to let everyone know what has been happening these past couple of months. We started the New Year […]

What’s on the horizon…


A new resin material in the studio. I have come to a point in my career as a professional sculptor where I need to maximize my efforts. I’ve been in the model horse hobby now for over twenty years with thousands of models which I have cast and cleaned up myself. After a 5 year […]